Reels for Positive Change
This page is an eclectic collection of things that have helped me to put life into perspective.
From great military leaders, to business leaders and more.
I hope these different perspectives can help you to become a better YOU too!
Watch THIS INCREDIBLE commencement speech from US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven, one of the most decorated US commanders.
- Start the day with a task completed
- Find someone to help you through life
- Respect everyone
- Life is not always fair, move forward
- Don’t be afraid to fail often
- Take risks
- Face down bullies
- Step up when times are toughest
- Lift up the downtrodden
- Never give up
HERE are some pretty good life lessons from Simon Sinek.
- Take accountability of your actions – sometimes you’re the problem
- Learn to be the last to speak
- Start with WHY you do what you do, not HOW
- Develop an infinite mindset
- Leave the world a better place because you were here
Watch THIS thought provoking, short reel, then consider the following:
- First, make sure that building your relationship with Jesus is the first “big rock”
- Then, evaluate how you spend your time against the message from the reel
- Lastly, consider developing a relationship with someone you respect, and has your best interests at heart – ask for their thoughts and consultation on a regular basis
If you are struggling with “every man’s battle” watch THIS. It has helped me tremendously.
- Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and discusses some vital topics around dopamine and its relationship to addiction
- The eye opening thing to me is the idea of dopamine peaks and baselines
If you are struggling to overcome an addiction, including “every man’s battle” watch THIS.
- Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and discusses some vital topics around breaking the cycle of addiction by understanding how dopamine plays into our addictions
- 30 days
If you are trying to achieve something great, that requires discipline, watch THIS.
- Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and discusses how dopamine plays into our ability to stay disciplined in order to achieve a goal